Wanted: Niagara Typewriter
The Niagara, which was first produced ca.1902, was prodiced in Connecticut by the Blickensderfer Typewriter Company of Stamford. Note how similar the carriage, base and paper table are to those of Blick No.5 model. The Niagara even utilizes a typewheel for print application, just like most other Blicks. Blicks were already lightweight and inexpensive and the Niagara, without a keyboard, was even more so. Some Niagara typewriters were rebranded and sold as the Best, Stella or Marion. Name variants in France were marketed as Dactyle. Lastly, George Blickensderfer, the inventor, was awarded a patent for a modified version of the Niagara that doubled as a cipher machine.
(machine à écrire Dactyle)
Have one for sale? Please email me at Antikey.Chop@gmail.com or call +1 860 729-2252
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