L.C. Mayer Hide-A-Phone

ca.1921 - 1922
L.C. Mayer
Candlestick telephones weren't always considered attractive. In fact, 100+ years ago, some folks, especially those more affluent, would rather hide such utilitarian appliances. They considered candlestick telephones to be much too unsightly for their posh homes. To help those folks, L.C. Mayer designed the Hide-A-Phone.
The Euphonia design was copywritten in 1917 and the other in 1915 but, based on advertisements, it is believed that neither were produced until 1921 or 1922. The Mayer name may also be found on other decorative items that were made of plaster, like bookends.

Have more information? Comments? Have one for sale? Email me at Antikey.Chop@gmail.com

The Hide-A-Phone was a two-piece, hinged enclosure made of plaster that worked like a clam shell. There were two available designs, both of which were formed perfectly to house a candlestick telephone. One form was of a woman's bust with two, small cherubs holding her hair, marked Euphonia below her bust. The second form was of a woman and cherub holding hands and garland while dancing around a globe. Both forms, when closed, had a small opening at the base to let the telephone wire come through and both were labeled with the L.C. Mayer name.