Wanted: Bar-Lock Typewriter
Named for their typeBAR-LOCKing mechanism, Bar-Locks also featured full, double keyboard and front-downstrike typebar arrangements. They were produced ca.1899 by the Columbia Type-Writer Manufacturing Company of New York, NY and were invented by Charles Spiro. Their most stunning features, especially on the earliest models, were their ornate, cast iron shields which stood upright behind the keyboards. These shields served two purposes. First, they protected the typebars and, second, they provided the typebars something solid to rest against. As the models progressed the shield became less and less ornate and the full keyboard was eventually phased out as with the Columbia No.14 Standard.
Read a little more about these early Bar-Locks here...
Have one for sale? Please email me at Antikey.Chop@gmail.com or call +1 860-729-2252
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